


is for your emerging and current leaders

Effective leadership coaching is important as it helps the leader to improve communication and ensures that every team member has what they need to do their job.


is for your emerging and current leaders

Effective leadership coaching is important as it helps the leader to improve communication and ensures that every team member has what they need to do their job.

“A coach is someone who can give corrections without causing resentment.”

- Coach John Wooden

So, how do you give feedback in a way that motivates and empowers your teammates without creating resentment?

You treat them with dignity, honor, and respect.


  • Bandwidth: Coaching requires time to process and the coachee must set aside the needed time for self discovery
  • Availability: Being professional and committing to the Coaching Session
  • Consistency: For monthly or weekly coaching, consistency is key
  • Accountability: Applying what is learned to life and work
  • Responsibility: Weekly exercises with submitted weekly reflections to the coach at least a day before the scheduled coaching session


  • ZOOM OUT: Get the Data
    Pinpoint Mindset, Behaviors, Personality, Strengths, Needs, Wants, Priorities, Motivators, Preferences and Character — All of these points will be assessed and discussed in the coaching process.
    Feedback is the most important tool for coaching. It is vital to interact, understand and synthesize as much information as possible
  •  ZOOM IN: Understand the Data
    We work to understand the information and to discern what action to take and why, and we learn from the information.
    – We ask what resonates the most from the information that was collected, we reflect on this information, and we consider what to stop, start, or continue.
  • GET GOING: Take Action
    We leverage the data to determine the appropriate actions to take. We learn from the information and apply it to our jobs and careers.
    -We ask what was most impactful and why, and what adjustments and applications to make, and we decide what to stop, start, or continue.